Blog Posts & Newsletters
Exploring wellbeing, personal growth & professional development
insights, advice & science-based techniques
The burnout epidemic: what’s the real answer?
Last week I talked about rest and how people really need to see rest as an investment and even a competitive advantage. I’ve been teaching my clients about the many benefits associated with rest for years but the main reason I wanted to write another blog post on the...
Rest more to achieve more
There’s a theme that’s been coming up a lot for me and with clients these past couple of weeks: REST I’ve personally had a very intense past few months and so now I’m intentionally prioritising my rest. In fact, at the moment, I’m prioritising my rest over exercise....
Have you exhausted your ‘surge capacity’?
In last week’s blog post I talked about the current low mood... We’ve been dealing with the pandemic for almost a year now! Soon after that came the recession and then we’ve also had significant political dramas happening in various parts of the world! On some level...
Are you struggling?
How are you feeling at the moment? Do you feel low on energy, anxious or overwhelmed? Like many people, you probably thought that 2021 would start off on a ‘better’ footing and we’d be leaving 2020 behind. Although personally I was pretty certain we'd have another...
Some different resolutions for 2021
Happy New Year! I hope you had a lovely holiday season and that, however big or small, you found a positive way to celebrate the start of 2021. I said I’d share a different perspective on new year’s resolutions with you today… Typically, new year’s resolutions are...
Wellbeing rules for the festive season
If today’s your last day of work before breaking for the holidays, hoorah, you made it! And for those us who are working next week, I’m sure today still feels like the end of a mammoth year and that next week is going to be far more relaxing and a nice way to ease...
One little word that changes everything
As the year comes to a close, I’m sensing that many people are just about crawling over the finish line of 2020! After a year of such uncertainty and upheaval, I think you can probably agree, that this holiday season requires a well-deserved and much needed break …...
Detoxifying your air at home is even more important now
When you think about air pollution, I’m sure your first thought goes to the traffic and industrial pollution outdoors? So, it may come as a surprise to know that the air quality inside your home can actually be up to ten times worse than outside! Indoor air...
Use hygge to make the most of Winter
This week I’m discussing ‘hygge’, which can be best described as a Danish attitude and approach to life. Hygge, pronounced ‘hoo-ga’, originates from an Old Norse word, “hugga,” which means to comfort or console. It is also where the English word “hug” comes from,...
How to eat well this Winter
In today’s blog, as part of the series on ‘preparing for Winter’, I’m going to look at food, eating and nutrition with a specific focus on what will best support you this Winter season - for your mood and energy whilst working from home and also, of course, for...
Simple ways to stay active when WFH
Last week, I spoke about how the pandemic has caused widespread feelings of isolation, loneliness and boredom for many people, which I predict will be amplified over the coming winter period with the darker, shorter days and poor weather. I offered some ideas...
Ward off loneliness & boredom
One of the main issues to arise from lockdown measures and working from home has been isolation and the lack of socialising, face-to-face interaction and travel. I’ve heard many people share how they at times feel lonely, disconnected, bored, uninspired and at a loss...
The secret to your success is hidden in your daily routines
More specifically, it's your morning routine or lack of, that truly sets the tone for the rest of your day: your health, mood, focus, energy and overall productivity. Which is why I've created this free 12-page guide to help you design your own custom morning routine so that you can be at your best every day.