Category: Energy
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The best breakfast for busy people
Breakfast is something that I find many people struggle with ... and that's whether they know it or not! These days, most people don’t make time to sit down and have a proper, leisurely breakfast. Not in the same way as you might do over the weekend or on...
Knowing when to cancel plans & rest
Like many, for me this week has been all about getting back into work mode. After an easy-going August, it’s time to get refocussed and productive again and I’m pleased to say I’m feeling inspired and excited to get back to business! I kicked the week off by...
The number one way to avoid burnout
This is the last in the series on burnout. I’ve provided you with a lot of information over the past month, so today I’ll keep this article simple, but the advice is key because I want to give you, what I feel is, the main way to avoid and/or heal from burnout...
Guidelines for healthy & effective homeworking
Our home is usually our sanctuary and safe place where we should, in theory, get all of our basic needs met. You come home after a day’s work and want to kick back, rest, spend time with family, have dinner and then sleep. Home is for many people a...
Stuck indoors, WFH and feeling sluggish?
I’m sharing a simple tip today that should go some way to help you if you’re feeling more lethargic than usual due to not being able to leave the home or when working from home. Expose yourself to the overhead morning and midday sun. Ideally, you...
Using EFT aka ‘tapping’ to relieve stress & anxiety
Recently, on a live call, I mentioned a technique called ‘tapping’, also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. So, I want to share a little more about that here along with a couple of resources for anyone who wishes to try it. How does EFT work? EFT...
Making Sunday rest day again!
I often think back to the time when Sunday was more of a day of rest for people here in the UK because most shops and businesses were closed. It almost seems a little strange now to think of nothing being open aside from a few exceptions like pubs, restaurants...
Do you spend most of your energy trying to push & control life?
If you’ve been following me for a while now, you’ll know that I promote things like: Loving and listening to your body ... Being kind to yourself ... Intuitive eating ... Not pushing yourself to exercise if you don’t feel up to it (that doesn’t mean never!) ......
Break negative thoughts & emotions
After last week’s lengthly email on exhaustion, I’m coming to you with something a little different this week. I’ve mentioned before how I’m often listening to podcasts, audiobooks and youtube videos as I go about my day … It’s a great way to learn more and...
Exhausted all the time?
Lately it’s really hit home for me how the majority of people living the modern-day, maxed-out lifestyle are also living with exhaustion as their new normal. Often, they don’t even really realize they are, or worse, for some it’s a badge of honor. So today I...
Women need women
This week I’m speaking to the ladies, which is around 98% of you on my list … however for the men here, I still encourage you to read on as this could be useful information for the ladies in your life! Today I want to talk about the power of women supporting...
When stress is a good thing!
Last week I ran a talk on ‘handling stress’ at the British Museum for their staff. It’s a signature talk of mine that is often one of the most popular – as chosen by the HR or wellbeing team. However, having given this talk at a number of companies over...
The secret to your success is hidden in your daily routines
More specifically, it's your morning routine or lack of, that truly sets the tone for the rest of your day: your health, mood, focus, energy and overall productivity. Which is why I've created this free 12-page guide to help you design your own custom morning routine so that you can be at your best every day.