Category: Mindset
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Some different resolutions for 2021
Happy New Year! I hope you had a lovely holiday season and that, however big or small, you found a positive way to celebrate the start of 2021. I said I’d share a different perspective on new year’s resolutions with you today… Typically, new year’s resolutions are...
One little word that changes everything
As the year comes to a close, I’m sensing that many people are just about crawling over the finish line of 2020! After a year of such uncertainty and upheaval, I think you can probably agree, that this holiday season requires a well-deserved and much needed break …...
Use hygge to make the most of Winter
This week I’m discussing ‘hygge’, which can be best described as a Danish attitude and approach to life. Hygge, pronounced ‘hoo-ga’, originates from an Old Norse word, “hugga,” which means to comfort or console. It is also where the English word “hug” comes from,...
Ward off loneliness & boredom
One of the main issues to arise from lockdown measures and working from home has been isolation and the lack of socialising, face-to-face interaction and travel. I’ve heard many people share how they at times feel lonely, disconnected, bored, uninspired and at a loss...
How to keep your mood up this Winter
It’s in challenging, stressful times that we can be at the mercy of our thoughts and feelings. However, most people have more control over their thoughts, and therefore how they feel, than they realise! Furthermore, our thoughts and feelings can also be at the...
Can’t escape work at home?
Many people right now are feeling as though their life revolves solely around work with no separation between work and home. And this is not just about when you stop and start work, it’s also about who you are being and how you feel -- many people feel like...
Knowing when to cancel plans & rest
Like many, for me this week has been all about getting back into work mode. After an easy-going August, it’s time to get refocussed and productive again and I’m pleased to say I’m feeling inspired and excited to get back to business! I kicked the week off by...
What causes burnout?
After taking a bit of a break, due to having worked incredibly hard over the past few months, it seems fitting to return with a blog on burnout; a topic that is relevant to not only the fact that I took some time out but also to current times... Not that I...
Making time for relfection post pandemic
So we’re now 8 weeks into lockdown here in the UK and during this time, I’ve spoken to many, many people through the various webinars and promotions I’ve been running. I’ve also been continuing on with private client sessions and doing a lot of work with...
Supporting others in this difficult time
Here in the UK we've now had six weeks of lockdown and self-isolation. Some people are learning to adjust to this new normal fairly well, whereas others may be feeling it's getting harder as time goes on. I’ve had a couple of questions this past week...
How to become more resilient to life’s stressors
Resilience is a term we typically associate with strength and perhaps ‘toughness’ but look a little deeper and you will find that the true qualities of resilient people are far from the tough guy/gal persona we might imagine. Now, this certainly doesn’t mean...
Control your thoughts to manage stress
You may have noticed that I am always giving advice on how best to lower your stress levels. It’s one of the principles that underpins all of my work -- First and foremost, do whatever we can to lower the stress hormones because stress can affect your body,...
The secret to your success is hidden in your daily routines
More specifically, it's your morning routine or lack of, that truly sets the tone for the rest of your day: your health, mood, focus, energy and overall productivity. Which is why I've created this free 12-page guide to help you design your own custom morning routine so that you can be at your best every day.