Blog Posts & Newsletters
Exploring wellbeing, personal growth & professional development
insights, advice & science-based techniques
Could you be falling into these thinking traps?
In the previous post, we looked at some of the most common and obvious thinking traps that happen to us in reaction to a stressful or distressing situation such as catastrophising and assuming the worst-case scenario. In this post we’re looking at some more –...
The most common thinking traps we fall into
In the previous post, we established that thinking traps are cognitive distortions that lead to flawed or irrational thinking patterns. They very often occur just before and during stressful, distressing situations, because stress skews our lens and perception...
What are ‘thinking traps’ & how do they impact our mental health?
Last month we focused on mental health, and I want to continue the conversation this month by looking more specifically at ‘thinking traps’ - a model and term typically used in CBT. CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. It's a type of psychotherapy that...
Monthly Highlights & Something Worth Sharing
This month's blog posts: May 12th, 2023 – Key factors that impact your mental health In my work, I see clear reoccurring patterns that lead to or exacerbate mental health issues and that’s what we’ll be looking at this month. I believe it’s really important...
Unhealthy mindsets that impact your mental health
This week we’re looking at unhealthy mindsets or negative thinking patterns and how they impact our mental health. This is part two in the series on mental health, last week we looked at more of the physical factors. It’s important to highlight that the things...
Key factors that impact your mental health
As May is Mental Health Awareness Month in America and here in the UK Mental Health Awareness Week runs from the 15th to the 21st of May next week, I’ll be exploring the topic over the upcoming weeks. Firstly, it’s important to note that there is no single...
Monthly Highlights & Something Worth Sharing
This Month's Blog Posts April 7th, 2023 – Dealing with toxic, difficult people in your life? Toxic people can be anyone in your life, from partners, friends, and family members to co-workers and neighbours. They are individuals who exhibit a pattern of negative...
Could you be dealing with a narcissist?
This is the last in the series of blogs on difficult, toxic people. In this post, I want to focus more specifically on narcissism - a subject that has definitely been trending for the past 5-10 years, however, many people still have very limited knowledge of...
What can I do about a toxic colleague?
This month's question comes from Louisa: Hi Kate, I was so grateful to read your recent email on identifying toxic people. You have helped me clarify that my colleague is either narcissistic or toxic in some way. I have been working with them for nearly a year...
Dealing with toxic, difficult people in your life?
For the month of April, we’re going to be talking about ‘toxic’ people. This is something I’ve been keen to write about for a long time now given that these individuals can have such a harmful and negative impact on a person’s life. Personally, I've dealt with...
Monthly Highlights & Something Worth Sharing
This Month's Blog Posts March 10th, 2023 – Q&A: Celebrating IWD with my top insights on women’s health & wellbeing I was asked this question on a panel discussion that I was part of for International Women’s Day: Kate, it’s international women’s day...
How I resolved my insomnia
In response to last week’s email on sleep, I had several people reach out sharing that they are struggling with some form of insomnia. Insomnia is more common than people realise. It is categorised as consistent sleep disturbance for more than a month. This...
The secret to your success is hidden in your daily routines
More specifically, it's your morning routine or lack of, that truly sets the tone for the rest of your day: your health, mood, focus, energy and overall productivity. Which is why I've created this free 12-page guide to help you design your own custom morning routine so that you can be at your best every day.