Category: Stress
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Gratitude as a powerful tool to reduce stress
It is said that you cannot feel fear whilst simultaneously feeling grateful. When we’re stressed, we’re up in our heads and our thoughts, when we feel grateful, we open and connect with our hearts. So, gratitude simultaneously lowers stress levels and makes us...
Polarity: a universal law to remember
I am big believer in the ‘Universal Laws’ and the one I often bear in mind in times of struggle is the Law of Polarity. According to the Law of Polarity, everything is dual. So, things that appear to be opposites are actually two inseparable parts...
Breathe away your stress
When we’re feeling stressed, the stress hormones make us fixate on potential threats – this makes us laser focus in on the potential worst-case scenarios. Yes, there are things to be concerned about at the moment, however staying in a state of worry and fear does not...
Do you spend most of your energy trying to push & control life?
If you’ve been following me for a while now, you’ll know that I promote things like: Loving and listening to your body ... Being kind to yourself ... Intuitive eating ... Not pushing yourself to exercise if you don’t feel up to it (that doesn’t mean never!) ......
Feeling tense and on edge?
How often do you feel tense in your mind and your body? The reason I’m raising this with you is because I’ve got a hunch that many people are tenser than they realise. We can be so caught up in our heads and so consumed with the demands of modern-day life, that...
When your world gets turned upside down
Spring is definitely here in London; the fresh green leaves are sprouting on the trees and my local park smells amazing because of all the new flowers that have opened up. As well as spending lots of time in the park, I’ve also made ‘getting out there’...
Being more with less
Last weekend I spent 4 lovely days in Oslo… For me it was the perfect trip; with lots of walking, some light exercise, sightseeing, trying local/traditional foods (their fish soup is amazing!), lots of fun and some peace and quiet - because everyone seems so...
Exhausted all the time?
Lately it’s really hit home for me how the majority of people living the modern-day, maxed-out lifestyle are also living with exhaustion as their new normal. Often, they don’t even really realize they are, or worse, for some it’s a badge of honor. So today I...
How to stop worrying
Are you a bit of a worrier? … I’ll admit I can be! I have got a lot better over the years though … I mean I can’t really coach my clients around mindset, fear, anxiety etc. and not use those tools and techniques myself!! … But sometimes, I do find myself...
Like me, you may be feeling a little over saturated with everyone on social media posting quotes or advice about love or sharing photos and stories about their loved ones and Valentine’s celebrations! I’m all for love of course, when you add love to the...
Where your stress comes from…
I hope last week’s blog on 'good stress' gave you a slightly different perspective on how we can use stress to our advantage and not immediately see it as a problem to fix? A number of people reached out to share how reframing stress to ‘tension’ really helped...
When stress is a good thing!
Last week I ran a talk on ‘handling stress’ at the British Museum for their staff. It’s a signature talk of mine that is often one of the most popular – as chosen by the HR or wellbeing team. However, having given this talk at a number of companies over...
The secret to your success is hidden in your daily routines
More specifically, it's your morning routine or lack of, that truly sets the tone for the rest of your day: your health, mood, focus, energy and overall productivity. Which is why I've created this free 12-page guide to help you design your own custom morning routine so that you can be at your best every day.