I am big believer in the ‘Universal Laws’ and the one I often bear in mind in times of struggle is the Law of Polarity.


According to the Law of Polarity, everything is dual.


So, things that appear to be opposites are actually two inseparable parts of the same thing. Think of hot & cold or light & dark or love & fear, for example; although they’re opposites, they’re actually on the same continuum and you cannot have one without the potential for the other.

Sir Isaac Newton revealed that any action has an equal and opposite reaction; forces come in pairs. Nothing is one-sided; everything contains its opposite. This is the essence of the Law of Polarity.

To break it down one last time, this is how I choose to think about this law:


For anything to exist, its opposite must also exist in equal measure.


This means that in times of fear, there must be love in equal measure. In times of lack, there must be abundance in equal measure.

The important thing to bear in mind is that when we’re experiencing feelings like stress, fear and worry we often focus on the darker side of the coin – because that’s what our brains are wired to do. So we miss the opposite side, the lighter side that is there or has the potential to be realised.

Or in some instances, a person may have such a block around something that their mind isn’t even aware or open to the possibility that the opposite exists or the potential is there — they are literally blind to it.


So, in this time of struggle, worry, panic and fear consider and work with this law. Look for examples of (or the potential of) the opposite.


I can see so many amazing things happening at the moment in response to coronavirus all centred around love, care, compassion, altruism and kindness — from the neighbour next door to large global firms to the environment and world at large. I actually started writing a list of examples, but the list became so long that I decided this post would then be too long!

I share this principle with you because firstly; it has the potential to change your life if you use it as a guiding force and rule to live by. For example, whenever I see lack or something hasn’t gone well, or I’m worried about something, I ask myself – okay where’s the opportunity for the positive, the light side here – where’s the opposite or the potential for the opposite?


Secondly, focussing on love, abundance, kindness, compassion and anything positive calms you down, opens your heart, gets you out of stress mode and as you know by now, this is super important for your mental, emotional and physical health!


Lastly, I just want to say that this is not to minimise the tragedy and sadness that we are also experiencing right now, but it’s a way to get a more balanced perspective and to remind ourselves that there are also (and will be long-lasting) positives to come from this – in equal measure.


Kate x




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