At the start of October, there’s a noticeable shift in the air – literally and figuratively. The days are getting shorter, the mornings are colder. We swap out sandals for boots and iced coffees for hot teas.
For many of us, this change can feel like a double-edged sword. On the one hand, autumn brings with it a sense of calm and cosiness. It’s an invitation to slow down and stay in. On the other hand, the fading daylight and cooler temperatures can feel like a reminder that we’re heading into the darker, more introspective months of the year.
But, what if we embraced this seasonal transition as an opportunity, rather than something to brace ourselves against? Instead of resisting the change or dreading the cold, what if we saw this time as a natural and even necessary phase in a cycle – an opportunity to follow Mother Nature’s rhythms?
There are practical strategies that can help you stay optimistic, balanced, and healthy as we transition into winter. In this month’s blog series, we’ll explore how you can make the most of this season of change.
Why Seasonal Change Affects Us
The shift from summer to autumn impacts more than just our wardrobe. The change in daylight, temperature, and even social routines can have a profound effect on our mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. As the days get shorter, many people notice a drop in energy, and some may even experience the more severe effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Learn more about Seasonal Affective Disorder on the NHS website.
You might notice that you feel more sluggish in the afternoons or have a harder time staying motivated. This is natural – our bodies and minds are responding to the changing environment around us.
However, it’s important to remember that this seasonal transition isn’t inherently negative. While some changes can feel challenging, they also offer a chance for us to pause, reflect, and adjust our routines to better suit the new season. This time of year is perfect for embracing slower, more mindful practices that help us tune in to our inherently very natural needs, and recharge.
Embracing Change with Intention
Instead of rushing to maintain the same pace we had in the summer, autumn encourages us to slow down and turn inward. It’s also a time to reassess your habits and routines. Consider:
Are they still serving you as you head into the colder months?
Or is it time to make some adjustments that align with the changing season?
Take some time to think about these questions and how you can embrace the change of season.
Then, check back next week, when I will be sharing strategies and tools that can help you not only ‘survive’ the seasonal shift, but really make it work for you. We’ll talk about how to adjust your routine to better suit the shorter days, ways to prepare your body and mind for winter, and how to cultivate a sense of calm and wellbeing as we approach the end of the year.
Kate x