If you are currently working from home or self-isolating you now have a rare and golden opportunity to put more of a focus on your health and wellbeing.

This is the time to start as you mean to go on – to put a new practice and routine in place.

If you can make these positive changes now, my hope is that when you realise how much better you feel, you will find a way to keep them up when life resumes back to normal.


You have the time to create and embed ‘new healthy ways of being‘.


And a way of being is exactly what it says – it’s what you do instinctively, it’s who you are … Rather than something feeling like a chore, a “should do” or a “I haven’t really got time for that“.


So, here are my top suggestions – some of these sound obvious and super simple I know, but I have put everything here for a specific reason because they can and do have the potential to make a profound difference to your overall mental, emotional and physical state:


  1. Exercise every day – some kind of movement.
  2. Your body thrives on routine – so sleeping, eating, exercise etc at the same time.
  3. Eat your evening meal earlier – ideally around 6.00-7.00pm.
  4. Get more sleep – earlier to bed, ‘siesta’ naps during the day.
  5. Get more rest and have more breaks – less busyness.
  6. A morning ritual – to set you up mentally for the rest of the day.
  7. Getting up earlier – if you eat and go to bed earlier than usual, you will feel more energised in the mornings.
  8. Eating a proper breakfast every day.
  9. Taking more time to have fun.
  10. Get started on that hobby or creative project – a.k.a mindfulness.
  11. Start meditating, journaling, and giving gratitude every day.
  12. Read those books you’ve been meaning to read.
  13. Cook more homemade wholesome meals.
  14. Start eating more healthy foods.
  15. Start batch cooking.
  16. Eat more – as in eating 3 proper, decent meals a day.
  17. Drink more water.
  18. Have more sex.
  19. Spend more time in nature – the garden, and parks.
  20. Get more daylight, as opposed to being in artificial light.
  21. Pamper yourself.
  22. Learn/study something new.


I will cover a number of these points in more detail over the next week or two but for now, take a look at this list and think about how many of these you want to start doing for yourself. Note them down and make a plan.

Many people have saved time on their commute, so I encourage you to use this time to focus on your wellbeing!


Kate x




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