Happy New Year!
I hope you had a lovely holiday season and that, however big or small, you found a positive way to celebrate the start of 2021.

I said I’d share a different perspective on new year’s resolutions with you today…

Typically, new year’s resolutions are about things you want to do or stop doing, common examples would be to: lose weight, exercise more, save more money, spend less money, learn a new hobby or skill, quit smoking etc …
Great things can come out of setting resolutions of this kind, but I’d like to suggest that you answer the following questions and add them to your other resolutions.
Use a piece of paper or a special notebook and write down your answers so that you can reinforce them in your mind throughout the year.
Your answers and insights will be far better if you do this when you’re feeling calm and expansive and I would set aside 30minutes so that you don’t feel rushed:

1. Pick ONE word that sets a theme for the year that is personal to you.
Here are some examples: Powerful, expansive, immersive, happy, joyful, loving, indulgent, healthy, calm, inspired, rooted, grounded, freedom, proud, vibrant …
When you look at this word, it should be something that connects you back to your overall goals or sentiment for the year. This is something you can refer to throughout the year to keep you on track.

2. How do you want to feel?
Write down: “This year I want to feel … [fill in the blank]”.
Come up with 1-3 feeling based words.

3. How do you want to show up for yourself and others?
Write down: “I want to show up as … [fill in the blank] … for myself. I want to show up as … [fill in the blank] … for others”.

4. Over everything else, what ONE thing do you want to achieve this year?
Write down: “I would know 2021 was a good year if … [fill in the blank] … happened”.
This is something that you’re able to make happen, not something outside of your control.

5. How do you want to grow as a person?
You can write as much as you like, but then choose your top ONE area of growth. Could be health, wealth, professionally, an element of your character, your intellect, an area of knowledge or some type of skill or capability.

Not only do questions like these allow you to focus more on elements of personal growth, they also teach you a lot about yourself in the process of answering them!
You might also like to answer these questions twice – from a personal perspective and then from a professional, work-related perspective.
Lastly, keep the answers somewhere where you can reflect on them regularly throughout the year and I’d also suggest writing your theme word on a post-it note and putting it somewhere where you’ll see it daily like a pinboard, by your desk, on your fridge or bathroom mirror.

Here’s to a positive, healthy and abundant 2021!

Kate x




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