Category: Mindset
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Feeling tense and on edge?
How often do you feel tense in your mind and your body? The reason I’m raising this with you is because I’ve got a hunch that many people are tenser than they realise. We can be so caught up in our heads and so consumed with the demands of modern-day life, that...
When your world gets turned upside down
Spring is definitely here in London; the fresh green leaves are sprouting on the trees and my local park smells amazing because of all the new flowers that have opened up. As well as spending lots of time in the park, I’ve also made ‘getting out there’...
Being more with less
Last weekend I spent 4 lovely days in Oslo… For me it was the perfect trip; with lots of walking, some light exercise, sightseeing, trying local/traditional foods (their fish soup is amazing!), lots of fun and some peace and quiet - because everyone seems so...
Break negative thoughts & emotions
After last week’s lengthly email on exhaustion, I’m coming to you with something a little different this week. I’ve mentioned before how I’m often listening to podcasts, audiobooks and youtube videos as I go about my day … It’s a great way to learn more and...
How to stop worrying
Are you a bit of a worrier? … I’ll admit I can be! I have got a lot better over the years though … I mean I can’t really coach my clients around mindset, fear, anxiety etc. and not use those tools and techniques myself!! … But sometimes, I do find myself...
Women need women
This week I’m speaking to the ladies, which is around 98% of you on my list … however for the men here, I still encourage you to read on as this could be useful information for the ladies in your life! Today I want to talk about the power of women supporting...
Like me, you may be feeling a little over saturated with everyone on social media posting quotes or advice about love or sharing photos and stories about their loved ones and Valentine’s celebrations! I’m all for love of course, when you add love to the...
Where your stress comes from…
I hope last week’s blog on 'good stress' gave you a slightly different perspective on how we can use stress to our advantage and not immediately see it as a problem to fix? A number of people reached out to share how reframing stress to ‘tension’ really helped...
When stress is a good thing!
Last week I ran a talk on ‘handling stress’ at the British Museum for their staff. It’s a signature talk of mine that is often one of the most popular – as chosen by the HR or wellbeing team. However, having given this talk at a number of companies over...
What if it could be easy?
As this is the time of year when most people start thinking about their health and wellbeing, usually with a view to releasing weight, I wanted to give you a steer in the right direction as to how to approach improving your health and wellbeing. As you know, I...
Do you trust yourself?
For me this past week has been quite intense but in a good way - I started with lots of momentum and got the ball running on a number of exciting projects I’m working on and also for my own health and wellbeing I unexpectedly joined a new local gym that I’m super...
Aim for progress, not perfection in 2019
Firstly, I want to wish you a Happy New Year! I hope that you’re feeling inspired, motivated and excited about the year ahead and what the future holds? In truth, the transition between December 31st and January 1st is really only another day of the year, just one...
The secret to your success is hidden in your daily routines
More specifically, it's your morning routine or lack of, that truly sets the tone for the rest of your day: your health, mood, focus, energy and overall productivity. Which is why I've created this free 12-page guide to help you design your own custom morning routine so that you can be at your best every day.